Phillips Announces Run For Second Term


By Linda Cicoira 

Accomack Supervisor Harris Phillips III announced Thursday that he is seeking a second term on the board of supervisors.

“It has been a great honor to serve my friends and neighbors of the 5th District over the past four years,” said Phillips, “There is still plenty more work that needs to be done.”

During his first term, Phillips said he has kept true to his campaign promise to fight against tax increases and to fight for the taxpayers. “I was opposed to the 3-cent tax hike in 2016, and was the only supervisor to vote against it,” said Phillips.

Phillips said he wasn’t opposed to more money for paid fire medics in Painter, but he would have preferred to make cuts elsewhere to fund the needed positions. “Public safety is the most important service that our local government provides and I fought hard to allow our paid fire-medics to be able to run volunteer calls on their time off, which was against county policy until 2016. Our local fire departments are struggling to attract new volunteers and I had several local fire chiefs come to me and tell me that this would help them out, so we made sure it happened.”

“Another thing that I advocated … was paid daytime staff at Saxis, Greenbackville, and Melfa fire stations, which was greatly needed. We were finally able to staff those three stations last year, WITHOUT a tax increase.”

In 2017, when Riverside announced it was closing its nursing home in Parksley, Phillips said the board of supervisors “sprung into action and were able to facilitate a sale to Smith/Packett, which is renovating the property at an estimated cost of $3 million.”

“We were able to save over 100 jobs and keep long-term care for our seniors here in Accomack County,” Phillips said.

Phillips is a third generation businessman at Jaxon’s Hardware and Jaxon’s, in Parksley. His grandfather started the enterprise more than 60 years ago. Phillips was born and raised on the Eastern Shore. He grew up in Parksley and lives in Modest Town with his wife, Shannon, and their chocolate Lab, Marleigh. He is a graduate of Arcadia High School and holds a Computer Electronics Degree from ECPI University, in Virginia Beach.

“I look forward to earning your vote on November 5, and will consider it a great privilege and honor to represent the people of the 5th District and Accomack County for four more years,” said Phillips.

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