Man Electrocuted At County Site


By Linda CicoiraA man was electrocuted Monday while making repairs to Accomack County’s Communication Tower, which is near the county jail off Courthouse Avenue.

“The person who was shocked was a subcontractor for the company the county engaged to perform repairs,” County Administrator Mike Mason said Tuesday. “The job this particular subcontractor was tasked with was to install new anchor points for the tower. It was approximately 5:33 p.m. when the accident occurred and County EMS was on the scene shortly thereafter.”  

Mason said the injured man was taken Riverside Shore Memorial Hospital, in Onancock, and later flown by helicopter to Peninsula Regional Medical Center, in Salisbury, Md.

Mason and the contractor, Allstate Power Inc., of Kentucky, would not identify the name of the subcontracting company.

“There was an incident,” said Chris Johnston, of Allstate. “The young man is in the hospital, alive, and our teams are on site and investigating … we are waiting until we are able to get his side of the story,” Johnson continued. He said he does not know the man’s name or condition as it is not his employee.

“We are working as fast as possible to get as much information as we can to come to a conclusion,” Johnston said. “I’ve talked to the subcontractor,” Johnston noted that the subcontractor is not from the Eastern Shore. “Prayers and faith have helped this young man this far. We will continue to say prayers and keep him in our thoughts.”

According to, “An anchor point is the point where you attach your fall protection equipment to the tower or other structure where you will be climbing.”

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