Teacher Article Brings Joy


Dear Editor:

Let me begin by saying how much I enjoy your paper. Having moved away a year ago, its so nice to have a comprehensive resource to keep up with the news and events on the Shore, it truly gives me a way to feel so much more connected.

Your article in the Aug. 2 edition, “I Can’t Wait for the First Day of School,” about two hometown teachers, Coleby Burford and Amber Giddings, left my heart so very full and extremely proud! What a wonderful gift to the Shore they are! My own daughter is a school teacher who started her teaching career at Chincoteague High School just a few short years ago. When she first began searching for jobs, I was blown away by how many vacancies there are within the school systems across Virginia. So many kids today are choosing other occupations that not only pay more, but also offer greater rewards without so much frustration. On the Shore, that problem is compounded by the fact that as kids leave to go away to college, so very many of them will never return, as they seek positions with better opportunities than what they can find back home. The fact that Ms. Burford has chosen to allow her heart to guide her in her career choices in admirable, but add to that the bonus that she has chosen to return to her roots, to offer her talent and gifts to the school system which nurtured and developed her love of learning is a blessing, both for the Shore as well as her students.

This heart-warming article shows the beautiful continuity of the Shore and offers hope and inspiration for generations to come.

Jane W. Lucy
Virginia Beach

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