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If you ever wonder how long things will last in this constantly changing world, never fear as I have done a little research and I am about to tell you.

A landline telephone will last five years or less. That information was gained by me personally as I recently had to replace my home system. I learned via an article in last year’s Wall Street Journal that “once thought doomed, landline phones are answering the call of people who are sick of mobiles’ spotty service—and the constant pinging distractions of texts and alerts.” My service is definitely spotty and sometimes nonexistent despite that I have the gadget connected to Wi-Fi.

“The average battery life of a cordless telephone is about one to two years,” according to

Car batteries in colder climates last longer. The average is two to five years, but it could last for six.

“The average smartphone lasts two to three years,” Google stated. I know that’s not right as I’ve had mine for almost five years. My younger brother has the same phone.  He recently read the company will stop updating it next year. It’s an iPhone 6s plus.

Cold symptoms typically last about three days. They usually go away in four to 10 days without any special medicine. I am a big believer in Cold-Eeze, a zinc lozenge that I take at the first sign of the scratchy throat. It is the greatest thing for fending off a cold, although I can’t really prove it if I didn’t get one. I believe it shortens the length of a cold too. I am not a stockholder or an employee of the company.

It takes six to eight hours for a human to totally digest, absorb, and eliminate food. If you accidentally swallow a stick or tab of gum, your body will pass it in a few days not the seven years that you may have been told.

If a cat lives inside exclusively, its typical lifespan is between 13 and 17 years, according to the ASPCA. However, it isn’t unusual for some indoor cats to live to 20. Yippee! My Little Bit is about 13 and her best friend is Bandit, a nine-year-old dog.

The average pup lives to be between 10 to 13 years. I had a little dog who lived to be 26, and a medium-sized dog who was 17 when he died, so I’m not sure I agree with those figures. Horses live between 25 and 30 years. Lions live 10 to 14 years. While it might seem much longer, a housefly lives an average of 28 days.

The United States ranks 53 of 228 counties for life expectancy of its residents. A chart on states we last until about 79. Our women last longer at nearly 82. Men are lucky to get to 77. The lowest life rate was in Namibia, Africa, where people are expected to live just past a half-century. The highest longevity was in Monaco at 89. The women there live to be about 93. Men live to be about 85.5.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the average length of retirement is 18 years. The average age at which people retire is 63.

Google says the average life of a washing machine is 14 years regardless if it is a front or top loader. This is based on an average of seven loads of laundry per week, or a load a day. A tax company made an estimate of appliances a few years ago. It stated a dishwasher will last about nine years, a cooking stove between 13 and 15 years, a refrigerator between 13 and 19 years, and a water heater from 10 to 25 years.

According to Consumer Reports, the average life of a car is about eight years or 150,000 miles. That can vary with care, it stated.

Some plumbers would say a toilet can last up to 50 years. “The typical couch should remain functional for 10 to 15 years, but one with inferior craftsmanship may wear out sooner,” says Google. My couch is older and still very comfortable. A mattress should be replaced within 10 years. A decade can go by pretty fast. An all-leather handbag with a good lining should last 100 years.

If refrigerated, milk will last four to seven days past its “sell-by” date. If unopened, whole milk will last five to seven days past its date, reduced-fat and skim milk will last seven days, and nonfat and lactose-free milk will last seven to 10 days. Lactose-free chocolate milk will last about three hours at my house. Yippee!

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