Science, Religion Can Be Powerful Together


Dear Editor:

I read the attack letters praising Trump and damning various Democrats with both sorrow and amusement. None of them mention the heroic actions of our front-line health-care workers and  professionals whose efforts are insulted everyday by those self-centered individuals, including Trump, who won’t even do the simple things such as masking, social distancing and avoiding indoor crowds. As the vaccine draws closer, do these fools want to be among the last to die in a war?

The clergy by and large is missing in action. They have a bully pulpit, and should use it to promote the common values of “love thy neighbor as thyself” and being “thy brother’s keeper.”

If we are all created in God’s image, then science and religion should not be at odds with each other. Imagine the possible powerful impact of a joint effort by Dr. Fauci and several prominent religious leaders.

Rick Saunders, Chincoteague

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