Chamber/Tourism Director Leaves for A&N Electric Position

Eastern Shore of Virginia Chamber of Commerce logo. ESCOC image.

By Carol Vaughn —

The Eastern Shore of Virginia Chamber of Commerce and Eastern Shore of Virginia Tourism Commission are looking for a new executive director after Robie Marsh announced he is leaving the position to take a job as financial analyst with A&N Electric Cooperative.
“In March of 2017 when I was hired as the Executive Director for the ESVA Chamber, I was given the opportunity to lead an organization of which I hold passionately close to my heart. It has been a pleasure and an honor to serve as the Executive Director of the ESVA Chamber for the past 4 years and the ESVA Tourism Commission for the past 2 years,” Marsh said in a written statement.
He added, “I have said many times that the role was my dream job and I meant it with the utmost sincerity each time. While I always saw myself retiring at the Chamber, sometimes the present cannot predict or know opportunities that may arise in the future.
“…Growing up on the Shore, I have always heard and seen how great of an organization ANEC is to work for and I look forward to joining their cooperative team. This decision was a very tough decision and was a long-term family decision. I will now be able help my community in a new way, while putting my financial background and my love of analytical thinking to work.”
Marsh said he will stay on as the chamber and tourism commission executive director until April 1 to ensure a smooth transition, and has offered to volunteer for the organizations in the future.
“It is my hope and recommendation that the partnership between the two organizations will continue on as is currently,” he said, noting both organizations have grown under the partnership “and it truly puts the ESVA in a position of strength regionally as a strong place to live, work, and visit.”
Marsh thanked the boards of both organizations and their community partners for their support over the past four years.
“I have said many times that both organizations do not succeed on the merits of one or two individuals but succeed with strong membership participation, strong Boards, and strong staff to serve and support both. I am grateful that both organizations have all of this, and through these positive attributes, it has fostered growth and strength for the Chamber, the Tourism Commission, and the ESVA regionally. I have utmost confidence in both Boards that this positive momentum will continue on well into the future,” Marsh said.
The chamber of commerce and the tourism commission issued this joint statement Monday regarding Marsh’s departure:
“The ESVA Chamber of Commerce and the Eastern Shore Tourism Commission will deeply miss Mr. Robie Marsh. We thank him for his service to the two organizations over the last few years and wish him the best of luck in his new venture.
“The ESVA Chamber and Eastern Shore Tourism Commission fully intend to continue the outstanding working relationship Marsh has built and we will work together to find the best candidate for his replacement. We encourage anyone interested in the position of Executive Director of our organizations to submit their resume and application to [email protected] or mail to P.O. Box 460, Onley, VA, 23418 c/o Will Russell.”

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