Shore Moves Into Phase 1c Vaccination, Including More Essential Workers


By Carol Vaughn —

The Eastern Shore this week moved into Phase 1c of vaccination for COVID-19.
The health district announced Tuesday in a press release that, in partnership with Eastern Shore Rural Heath System, Inc., and Riverside Medical Group, the health district will begin providing vaccines to additional groups identified as being in Phase 1c.
That includes workers in energy; water; wastewater; and waste removal; housing and construction; food service; transportation and logistics; higher learning; finance; information technology and communications; media; legal services; public safety; and public health.
“We have nearly completed the first round of Phase 1b vaccinations. We will begin vaccinating essential workers identified in 1c while finishing up vaccinations of our 1b population. This will allow us to move to vaccinating our general population more quickly,” said Jon Richardson, chief operating officer of the Eastern Shore Health District.
Anyone age 65 or older or 16 to 64 with a medical condition who has not been vaccinated yet should contact his or her primary care provider to schedule an appointment. If a person does not have a primary care provider, contact Eastern Shore Rural Health.
Essential workers in phases 1a, 1b, or 1c should contact their employer and have them register with the health department.
“Receiving the vaccine for COVID-19 does not mean life goes back to pre-pandemic times but each vaccination gets us closer. It is still important to wear a mask, social distance and practice good hand hygiene. Even after receiving the vaccine, it will remain important to continue masking, maintaining social distancing and avoiding crowded areas until we see case counts drop in the coming months and public health authorities indicate it is safe to relax protective measures,” the release said.
Health department officials said they “are devoting every available resource” to vaccination efforts and they appreciate the community’s patience “as we work to vaccinate those who are most susceptible to a negative health outcome and at highest risk of exposure to COVID-19.”
For more information about Virginia’s COVID-19 vaccination efforts, visit:

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