Broadwater Football Returns

Broadwater’s Justin Etheridge evades a Southampton defender. Photo by Adolphus Ames.

By Adolphus Ames —

The Broadwater Vikings began their football season in Exmore on Aug. 29 against Southampton Christian Academy. They lost a hard-fought battle 30-22. 

Offensively, the Vikings brought a well balanced passing and rushing attack for most of the game. Defensively, they stood their ground when it was needed. At halftime, the score was tied 14-14. The third quarter was scoreless. 

Trailing 22-14 midway through the fourth quarter, Vikings quarterback Carson Savage threw an interception. Southampton capitalized on the turnover with a touchdown and two point conversion to extend their lead to 30-14. But the Vikings didn’t falter. On the next drive, Savage threw a long ball to quickly drive his team down the field. The Vikings punched it into the end zone and successfully completed a 2 point conversion pass to cut the lead to eight. They went for an onside kick, but it was recovered by Southampton. 

Their next game is away against Blessed Sacrament-Huguenot on Sept. 3. Their next home game is Oct. 2 against Richmond Christian High School. 

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