Tarr Elected Accomack County Board Chairman

Billy Joe Tarr

By Carol Vaughn —

Supervisor Billy Joe Tarr, of Chincoteague, will serve as chairman of the Accomack County Board of Supervisors for 2022.

Tarr was elected unanimously.

Supervisor Robert Crockett was elected vice chairman and also was elected by unanimous vote.

The board will continue to meet the third Wednesday of the month at 5 p.m., with the first Wednesday of the month set aside for work sessions.

The board typically has been meeting at Metompkin Elementary School, in Parksley, since the COVID-19 pandemic started.

The procedural rules approved by the board for 2022 include several changes, including formalizing the board member remote participation policy that the board approved March 17, 2021.

Additionally, a “closed meeting” section was added to reinforce confidentiality of matters discussed in executive session and to specify that the board may permit non-menbers to attend a closed meeting if the board desires.

Another section was reworded to clarify the meeting place as Metompkin Elementary School, and another change clarifies that the county attorney serves as the board’s parliamentarian.

The board also adopted a code of ethics that is the same as that adopted last year.
Accomack County Administrator Mike Mason announced a strategic planning retreat scheduled for Jan. 8 in Chincoteague was canceled due to spiking COVID-19 case numbers in the county.

The board approved rescheduling the retreat to Saturday, Jan. 29.

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