Onancock moves to obtain quotes to extend, pave Marshall Street

Town of Onancock welcome sign. Photo by Carol Vaughn.

By Carol Vaughn —

Onancock officials approved the first step towards making an extension of Marshall Street a thoroughfare that one day will meet highway department standards.

The town council voted Monday to pursue getting quotes from contractors to add a crushed concrete base to the street, with a plan to tar and chip it next year.

The street connects Kerr Street to Waples Street.

Of three parcels on the street, one has building plans completed and the other two have been surveyed and houses are being designed for them, according to Town Manager Matt Spuck.

If the town builds the street, it will get income from taxes and water bills for the three new homes. Paving the street also would facilitate adding more homes on a large parcel behind Waples Street, he said.

“This small road would add value to who we are,” Spuck said.

“I’m encouraged that there’s somebody wanting to build houses in town,” said Mayor Fletcher Fosque.

Council members Joy Marino and Cynthia Holdren voiced concerns about the town being able to maintain the street in the future.

Still, council member Maphis Oswald said building the street to highway department standards now means a greater chance of the state highway department taking it over in the future.

The first phase of the project will cost an estimated $15,000, with around the same amount next year needed to tar and chip the street, according to Spuck.

The town has $26,000 remaining in its budget for street repair this year.

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